Equipment Erection

shanthi construction

About the service

Shanthi Constructions is a trusted provider of equipment erection construction services, specializing in the installation, assembly, and alignment of heavy industrial machinery and equipment. With our years of experience and expertise in this field, we offer reliable and efficient solutions tailored to the needs of various industries.

At Shanthi Constructions, we understand the criticality of equipment erection and its impact on the overall functionality and performance of industrial operations. Our dedicated team of skilled technicians and engineers works closely with clients to understand their specific requirements and develop customized solutions. We consider factors such as equipment specifications, site conditions, safety regulations, and project timelines to ensure a seamless and successful equipment erection process.

What's part of the service?

During the construction phase, our experienced workforce utilizes advanced techniques, specialized tools, and equipment to handle, position, and align the machinery components accurately. We prioritize safety and adherence to industry standards, ensuring the secure and precise installation of the equipment. Rigorous quality control measures are implemented to guarantee the integrity and performance of the erected machinery.

We also offer expertise in integrating auxiliary systems and components, such as electrical, hydraulic, and pneumatic connections, to ensure the seamless functionality of the equipment. Our skilled technicians work diligently to ensure proper alignment and calibration, minimizing the risk of downtime and maximizing operational efficiency.

What’s Included?

Safety is of utmost importance to us at Shanthi Constructions. We strictly adhere to safety protocols throughout the equipment erection process. Our team conducts thorough risk assessments, provides comprehensive training to our personnel, and implements safety measures to mitigate any potential hazards.

With Shanthi Constructions, clients can expect professionalism, expertise, and a commitment to delivering exceptional results in equipment erection construction. We take pride in our ability to install and align heavy industrial machinery with precision, contributing to the success and efficiency of various industries.